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Fig. 11 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 11

From: From pilot knowledge via integrated reservoir characterization to utilization perspectives of deep geothermal reservoirs: the 3D model of Groß Schönebeck (North German Basin)

Fig. 11

Core and log interpretation (E GrSk 3/90). Structural data from microresistivity borehole imaging (not shown in panel), the sedimentary section is based on Holl et al. (2005). The Elbe reservoir sandstone (SRS) is highlighted by the thick grey stippled line. CARBON.: Carboniferous; density: Lab.—laboratory determined bulk density, RHOB—bulk density from logging, Dens_volc—density of volcanic rocks; porosity: Lab. —porosity determined on core samples, PHIT—total porosity from well-log interpretation, Phi_volc—porosity estimated from sonic log; permeability: Lab.(He)—routine gas permeabilities, uncorrected, Juhasz corr.—in-situ corrected Lab.(He) perms: green dots, PNL—permeability from pulsed-neutron logging, Coates—permeability using the Coates equation, Perm volc.—permeability of volcanic rock, red dots—brine-permeabilities measured under in-situ conditions; thermal conductivity/thermal diffusivity: bulk_sat—measured under ambient saturated conditions, lab in-situ—corrected for in-situ p/T conditions; Log_multi—log-derived thermal properties of sedimentary (clastic) rocks, TC volc—ambient and in-situ corrected thermal conductivity of volcanic rock, TD volc.—in-situ thermal diffusivity of volcanic rocks; Specific heat capacity: Lab_sat_calc.—calculated (ambient conditions), T-corrected—temperature corrected values, SHC volc—ambient and temperature-corrected specific heat capacity of volcanic rock

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