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Science – Society – Technology

Fig. 9 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 9

From: Petrophysical characterization, BIB-SEM imaging, and permeability models of tight carbonates from the Upper Jurassic (Malm ß), SE Germany

Fig. 9

a Correlation between permeability values determined by argon and air measurements, including error bars (standard deviation) if available, b permeabilities measured with argon (KAr) and air (KAir) plotted against the corresponding maximum hydraulic length \({l}_{\mathrm{max}}^{h}\) (m), where most of the mercury is injected into the sample as well as the r35 value, corresponding to the pore diameter at 35% mercury saturation. Error bars indicate the standard deviation if available. c Air- and Ar-derived permeability values related to porosities including error bars (standard deviation) if available and method-specific contours in the background for better data range visibility. d Ar permeability distribution across the sampled layers including error bars (standard deviation) if available and e is showing the horizontal permeability variation along bed B1 across a normal fault. See Fig. 2B for sample positions in (d) and (e)

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