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Science – Society – Technology

Fig. 16 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 16

From: Assessment of deep geothermal research and development in the Upper Rhine Graben

Fig. 16

Petrophysical properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat capacity, effective and/or total porosity and intrinsic and/or apparent permeability) of different lithologies of the basement reservoirs in the Upper Rhine Graben from outcrop analogue and deep drill core investigations presented as box-whisker plots; shown are the average, Q25, Q75 and minimum and maximum values (n – number of data points per property and lithology). Data compiled from (Wenk and Wenk 1969; Kappelmeyer and Haenel 1974; Schärli and Kohl 2002; Surma 2003; Stober and Bucher 2007; Pei 2009; Kraus 2009; Faridfar 2010; Kläske 2010; Klumbach 2010; Vilà et al. 2010; Hoffmann 2011, 2015; Welsch 2011; Bär 2012; GeORG Projektteam 2013; Maire 2014; Hückel and Kappelmeyer 1966; Orendt 2014; Wiesner 2014; Weber 2014; Aretz et al. 2016; Lambert 2016; Schintgen 2016; Vogel 2016; Schäffer et al. 2018; Weinert et al. 2021)

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