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Fig. 2 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 2

From: Radiogenic heat production in granitoids from the Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina

Fig. 2

a Radiogenic heat production value (µW/m3) for each sample in the Sierras de Córdoba. The solid and intermittent lines correspond to the known and/or inferred faults and lineaments in the Sierras de Córdoba: Ciénaga del Coro fault (FCC), Cruz del Eje fault (FCE), Cumbres de Gaspar fault (FCG), El Molino fault (FEM), Elevación Pampeana fault (FEP), Las Lagunas fault (FLL), Lagunilla del Plata fault (FLP), La Sierrita fault (FLS), Monte de Las Barrancas fault (FMLB), Nono’s fault (FN), Pajarillo-Copacabana-Masa fault (FPCM), Saladillo’s fault (FS), Sierra de Cuniputo’s fault (FSC), Sierra Chica fault (FSCh), Sierra de Comechingones fault (FSCo), Sierra Grande fault (FSG), Sierra de Pocho fault (FSP), Sierra del Tigre Muerto fault (FSTG), Tostado-Selva fault (FTS), Balnearia lineament (LB), Chazón lineament (LC), Carapé lineament (LCa), Candelaria lineament (LCan), Corral de Carnero lineament (LCC), Deán Funes lineament (LDF), Guasta lineament (LG), Guacha Corral lineament (LGC), Hernando-Alejandro Roca lineament (LH-AR), Los Cóndores lineament (LLC), La Higuera-Dos Pozos lineament (LLHDP), Quebrada Honda lineament (LQH), Retamito lineament (LR), Ranqueles-Isla Verde lineament (LR-IV), Río Dulce lineament (LRD), Rincón Grande lineament (LRG). b Granitoids studied in the Sierras de Córdoba and their mean values of radiogenic heat production rate (µW/m3)

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