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Table 7 Parameters used in the water–rock interaction model (Ku et al. 1992)

From: Water–rock interactions in the Bruchsal geothermal system by U–Th series radionuclides



SI units


Specific activity of a dissolved radionuclide

Bq kg−1


Specific activity of a dissolved radionuclide originated from diffusional flux

Bq kg−1


Specific activity of an adsorbed radionuclide

Bq kg−1


Specific activity of a radionuclide in solids

Bq kg−1


Concentration of a dissolved radionuclide

atoms kg−1


Initial concentration of a dissolved radionuclide

atoms kg−1


Diffusion coefficient of a radionuclide

m2 s−1


Diffusional flux of a nuclide into larger fractures

Bq m−2


Radium recoil efficiency relative to 222Rn


Recoil efficiency for nuclide i


Porosity of the aquifer


First-order adsorption rate constant



First-order desorption rate constant



First-order precipitation rate constant



First-order dissolution rate constant



Dimensionless distribution coefficient


Distribution coefficient

L kg−1


Radioactive decay constant of radionuclide



Mass of brine

kg m−3


Mass of rock

kg m−3


Supply rate of radionuclide to brine

Bq kg−1


Supply rate of radionuclide to brine by desorption

Bq kg−1


Supply rate of radionuclide to brine by alpha-recoil

Bq kg−1


Supply rate of radionuclide to brine by alpha-recoil in consideration of diffusional flux

Bq kg−1


Supply rate of radionuclide to brine by dissolution process

Bq kg−1


Supply rate of radionuclide by water flow

Bq kg−1


Recoil distance



Retardation factor due to adsorption and desorption


Retardation factor due to precipitation as well as adsorption and desorption


Fluid density

kg m−3


Density of aquifer solid

kg m−3


Surface area of solids, expressed as area of solid per volume of fluid contacting the solids

m2 m−3


Scavenging rate of radionuclide from brine by adsorption to rock surfaces

Bq kg−1


Scavenging rate of radionuclide from brine by co-precipitation with minerals

Bq kg−1


Transit time of brine in the aquifer



Mean time for nuclide i in solution to precipitate in minerals



Mean time for leach nuclide i from solid phases



Fracture width



Advection velocity of fracture fluid

m s−1





Superscript referring to radioactive parent