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Science – Society – Technology

Fig. 8 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 8

From: A machine learning approach for mapping the very shallow theoretical geothermal potential

Fig. 8

Prediction Intervals (with 95% confidence) from Quantile Random Forests for the monthly ground temperature at a depth of 100 and 50 cm for an example of 2 months. a and c PIs in the test set, in January, respectively, for 100 cm and 50 cm; b and d PIs for 30 random new points, in January, respectively, for 100 cm and 50 cm; e and g PIs in the test set, in June, respectively, for 100 cm and 50 cm; f and h PIs for 30 random unknown points, in June, respectively, for 100 cm and 50 cm

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