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Fig. 13 | Geothermal Energy

Fig. 13

From: Three-dimensional geologic mapping to assess geothermal potential: examples from Nevada and Oregon

Fig. 13

Conceptual model of fluid upwelling at Tuscarora. Red wells are production wells; dark blue wells are the proximal injection wells; light blue wells are the distal injection wells. Deep upwelling (larger red arrows) occurs from high fault intersection/fault termination density in the axial part of the anticlinal accommodation zone at ~ 3–5 km depth. Fluids upwell along fault intersections, and well-oriented (with respect to the regional stress field), NNE-striking/moderately to steeply dipping fault segments. Another area of relatively high fault intersection/fault termination density occupies the axial part of the accommodation zone at ~ 1200–1300 m depth. The production wells (red) produce fluid from this area. Upwelling continues through the Cenozoic volcanic section, though upwelling through this section is likely diffuse (small red arrows). Fluids outflow at the active hot springs and Quaternary opaline sinter (green). Dark blue injection wells are in communication with the production wells; distal light blue injection wells are not in communication with production wells, as evidenced by tracer tests (Chabora et al. 2015)

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