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Science – Society – Technology

Table 2 Mandatory public consultations for low and high temperature geothermal energy

From: Social shaping of deep geothermal projects in Alsace: politics, stakeholder attitudes and local democracy


Low-temperature project

High-temperature project

Depth and temperature

Drilling depth over 200 m,

< 150 °C

Drilling depth over 200 m,

> 150 °C


Heat for industries and urban heat network

Power and heat (greenhouses, industries, heat network)

Application for an exclusive licence to prospect (PER)

Administered by the prefecture

Organization of a local public inquiry

Administered by the Ministry of Mines

European competition

Public information and consultation through the Minister web site

Permit is issued

Prefectural decree, valid for 3 years

Ministerial decree, valid for 5 years

Authorization of exploration work

Administered by the prefecture

Organization of a public inquiry