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Table 1 Subsurface lithology of Ngatamariki from wells NM1-7, as described by Bignall (2009)

From: Matrix permeability of reservoir rocks, Ngatamariki geothermal field, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

Ngatamariki stratigraphy

Formation name

Thickness (m)

Lithological description

Orakonui Fm


Pumice breccia, with common volcanic lithics, quartz and minor feldspar

Orunanui Fm


Cream to pinkish vitric–lithic tuff, with vesicular pumice and lava lithics, plus quartz, feldspar and rare pyroxene crystal fragments

Huka falls Fm

> 70–285

Coarse to medium grained sandstone, minor gravel (laminated lacustrine sediments)

Waiora Fm


An upper level interval of Waiora Formation, comprises pumice-rich vitric tuff, with volcanic lithics, quartz, rare biotite and pyroxene crystals

Rhyolite lava


Glassy rhyolite lava, with perlitic textures, phenocrysts are quartz, feldspar, pyroxene and magnetite

Waiora Fm


A lower interval of Waiora Formation, comprising pumice-rich vitreous tuff, intercalated with crystal tuff, tuffaceous coarse sandstone and tuffaceous siltstone

Wairakei ignimbrite


Crystal–lithic tuff/breccia, with abundant quartz, minor feldspar, rare biotite and pyroxene, minor volcanic lithics and pumice, in a fine ash

Rhyolite lava


Hard porphyritic quartz-rich rhyolite lava with phenocrysts of quartz, minor feldspar, and minor ferromagnesian minerals

Tahorakuri Fm


White to pale grey lithic tuff/breccia intercalated with fine sediments. In NM6 it is intercalated with 310 m of andesite lavas and breccias (tuffs and sediments)

Tahorakuri Fm

> 200–840

Pale grey, lithic tuff/breccia containing dark grey/brown lava, rhyolite pumice greywacke–argillite and sandstone clasts in a silty matrix (Akaterewa ignimbrite)

Tahorakuri Fm

> 830

Pale grey porphyritic feldspar, pyroxene and amphibole andesite lava and breccia (andesite lava, breccia)

Torlesse greywacke


Pale grey to grey, massive meta-sandstone which lack obvious bedding, quartz veins