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Figure 4 | Geothermal Energy

Figure 4

From: Local stress anomaly in the Bavarian Molasse Basin

Figure 4

Breakout data measured by oriented 6-arm caliper tools in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd sections of well Th1. Column a). Well trajectory data: the 1st and 2nd sections are nearly vertical; in the 3rd section, well inclination is increased to 45° with an azimuth of 230° to 290°. Column b). Caliper diameter (black lines) and bitsize diameter (red line): the bitsize decreases from 23″ in the 1st section to 16″ in the 2nd section and 12″ in the 3rd section. Column c). Breakout azimuth (0° to 180°) determined with the ‘SAC’ software (Wagner et al. 2004): increasing well inclination at 2,700 m MD makes breakout interpretation impossible because of tool decentralization. Column d). Stratigraphic units: Upper Freshwater Molasse (OSM) at the middle Miocene to upper Lower Miocene (50 to 500 m) is characterized by numbers of washouts; Upper Marine Molasse (UMM) at the middle Lower Miocene (500 to 800 m), good well stability and less breakouts are observed; Lower Freshwater Molasse (USM) at the middle Lower Miocene to the Lower Oligocene (800 to 2,800 m), clear breakout orientation, high number of breakouts.

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