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Science – Society – Technology

Figure 2 | Geothermal Energy

Figure 2

From: Characterization of ambient seismic noise near a deep geothermal reservoir and implications for interferometric methods: a case study in northern Alsace, France

Figure 2

Vertical component spectrograms of over 2 years of data at station RITT. Top: full data set. Spectra are averaged per 24 h. Bottom: zoomed-in image showing nearly 3 weeks of data. The color corresponds to the modulus of the ground acceleration expressed in decibels (20 log(m.s−2.Hz−1)). The white dotted line at 1-s period separates the noise dominated by the secondary micro-seismic peak (above the line) from the noise dominated by anthropogenic activity (below the line). White arrows labeled ‘W’ indicate stronger seismic noise occurring during winter. Arrows labeled as ‘N’ and ‘12’ indicate weaker anthropogenic noise occurring during the night and at noon, respectively. ‘Sat’ and ‘Sun’ labels stand for Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

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