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Science – Society – Technology

Figure 4 | Geothermal Energy

Figure 4

From: The significance of hydrothermal alteration zones for the mechanical behavior of a geothermal reservoir

Figure 4

SCCL 2 to 5 of the well GPK4 compared to the breakout density, orientation deviation, and breakout dimensions. There is a clear correspondence between breakout appearance and size and the SCCL (breakout data from Sahara, personal communication). Intervals without clay are characterized by an absence of breakouts (BA). On the transition between standard granite and two-mica granite at around 4,800 m, the orientation of the breakout changes (2M). This might be attributed to the mechanical contrast between the two granitic rock masses. A clay-rich interval around 5,000 m depth coincides with a large orientation deviation of the breakouts (OD).

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